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Certification process

In order to acquire Tendelin Network accreditation, a vendor company needs to pass the following vetting criteria at a satisfactory level:


Surface check

This is the first vetting stage where we make a superficial check of each applicant company for basic compatibility with our quality standards and our way of work. Most applicants are rejected already at this stage.



All companies in our network must be well experienced in providing remote services for foreign clients. We therefore only certify companies that have at least five years of experience in the industry. We also look specifically at:

  • How many remote development projects the vendor has delivered;

  • How many foreign clients the vendor has had and what types of clients.



All vendors in our network must be able to effectively supply the assets they propose in tenders. All applicant vendors must therefore provide detailed information on:

  • The types of assets they have in-house;

  • The technologies and programming languages their consultants command;

  • The seniority levels and rates of different consultant types.


Processes and policies

Here we assess how well the vendor company handles processes and security. We look specifically at:

  • What the vendor's remote work and standard delivery process is like;

  • How the vendor ensures data security, privacy and GDPR compliance;

  • How the company works against discrimination based on gender, race, religion, disabilities, sexual orientation or political views;

  • How the company works against nepotism, corruption, tax avoidance, money laundering and other unethical conduct.


Legal and financial information

Here we ensure that the company doesn't raise any legal or financial concerns. Apart from requesting standard relay and bank information, we also request and inspect:

  • The company's registration certificate to check against official databases;

  • Personal information about the company's beneficial owners to ensure they are not under criminal investigation or any kind of economic sanctions;

  • Bank and tax information to ensure there are no money laundering schemes involved.


Client references

To get admitted to the network, each vendor company needs to provide at least three client references. On top of their assessment, we also always check public reviews on international review boards.


Consultant assessment

To ensure that certified vendors can provide a consistently high competence level, we always make sample tests of the vendor's consultants. The sample test usually consists of:

  • Scrutiny of a batch of randomly selected consultant profiles;

  • Individual interviews with developers;

  • Live coding tests with developers.


Swedish contract terms

An important criterion for joining Tendelin Network is the acceptance of joint contract terms, which are based on standard Swedish market terms and with Swedish law prevailing where the contract doesn't apply.

Want to join Tendelin Network?

Does your company offer professional IT consultancy services and wants be part of an exclusive network of high quality vendors operating on the Swedish market?

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