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About Tendelin

Tendelin was founded in early 2020 by a team of senior professionals within tech and online marketplaces who identified discrepancies in the way demand and supply in the IT outsourcing industry were connecting. We found that a lot of companies in Sweden were struggling to find adequate tech assets and had to settle for less than perfect, endure long and frustrating procurement processes, postpone their projects and pay excessively high consultancy rates.

After having examined the root causes of these discrepancies, we decided to create a platform where certified and quality assured tech assets can be easily found, compared and procured on the buyer’s terms, without wasting time on having tedious dialogues and reading lengthy proposals and term sheets.

Our values and principles



Life isn’t simple. But procurement of tech assets shouldn’t be more complicated than it needs to be. Tendelin’s goal is to remove every unnecessary barrier between you and the assets you need locked and loaded.



We do our utmost to ensure that buyers of outsourced IT services have all the information they need to make an informed decision when comparing vendors and making their choice.



Through careful assessment, screening and quality vetting we want to ensure that Tendelin’s procurement platform and vendor network are a low-risk environment of trusted players committed to developing long-lasting business relationships.



Tendelin’s goal is for you to get from need to result with as few steps and as few invested hours as possible. You should only need to review relevant proposals and only have meetings with vendors who are likely candidates for your assignment.



We work with professionals of high caliber, both on the vendor and on the buyer side. Our users and partners know what they are doing and should expect no less from us.

Company information

Bank & registration

Organisation number: 559243-6926

VAT number: SE559243692601

Bankgiro number: 5458-1715

IBAN: SE55 8000 0832 7970 4153 3246


Legal address

Tendelin AB

Lilla Nygatan 23

SE-111 28 Stockholm

Invoicing address

Tendelin AB

c/o Setly

David Bagares gata 7

SE-111 38 Stockholm

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